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Composition as Critical Inquiry: ENG 101

Tentative Schedule

Week 1:

            M 14 Jan: Class Introduction.




                              Homework:   Read Crossing the boundaries of genre studies.pdf (234-240).
                                                      Write your own definition of genre based on what you read.
                            Please bring a photo of yourself, and write your name, major, hobbies and any  other thing you would like me to know about you.

            W 16 Jan: Reading Discussion "What is Genre?"
                             Some Questions on "Crossing the Boundaries..." 16 january.doc
                                      Class Q&A.

                                      Homework: Read Crossing the boundaries of genre studies.pdf (whole thing).
                                                             Bring an example of a genre you found on campus/at home. Write a description of the genre in the same way we talked about emails and other genres. 
                                                            Carefully read the syllabus and turn it in on Wednesday stating your agreement with the class policies/adding comments if you feel there is something that should be changed.
                                                            If you haven't already, please plan to bring a picture of yourself with your name and some info about yourself.


            F 18 Jan: No Class.
                                                 Enjoy the weekend, (and do your homework!)

  Week 2:


         M  21 Jan: MLK Day, no class.

        W 23 Jan: Pandora list.  Set up STV 250 folders.

                           Reading Discussion + Description of your Genre.
                          Working with genre: "What is a Haiku?"
                     Homework: Read Just CHATting.pdf. and Tyler Kostecki's Understanding Language and Culture with CHAT.pdf
                                              Section 30 (What is a Haiku?)


         F 25 Jan: Reading Discussion  Just CHATting.doc

                CHATting with your genre        

                Homework:     A final draft of your genre analysis will be due on Monday.   Here is a handout where your homework is explained: Genre Analysis Homework.docx
Read Shane T. Lucas "Things That School Couldn't Teach Me."  Be ready to lead discussion (annotate the text as you read so you have things to comment on and/or questions about the reading)

Week 3:                           .


M 28 Jan: Final draft of your genre analysis due.
                   Reading Discussion.
 Introduction to Project 1.
                  Homework: Write a list of genres (and a short description of each) you can use for the purpose of life writing (personal narrative).  Don't forget to print it out!

               W 30 Jan: Discuss genres for personal narrative.


                                    Homework: read and explore the conventions of blogs. Keep in mind that not all blogs work the same way, that is, there are many genres within the meta-genre of blogs!


               F 1 Feb:  Reading Discussion:  blogs.

 Homework: You need to find two blogs dealing with the same topic  or which are relatively similar (both blogs are written by an individual just on their random thoughts of their everyday life, or these 2 blogs deal with cooking, fashion, sports or any other topics that you choose. What you need to make sure is that both are relatively the same kind of blog. But also, that they are, somehow, personal). Explore these blogs so that you can explain what the blog is about, who writes it, how often it is published, etc. For Monday you need to compare both blogs and fill in the three first boxes of this handout -writers, readers, purpose -  Genre analysis_work sheet.doc  Don´t forget to bring it in on Monday. You do not have to print it out, but do not forget to email it to your email account or save it on a flash drive.


     Week 4:

              M 4 Feb:
Class Canceled. Check your emails.
                             Homework: You need to find two blogs dealing with the same topic  or which are relatively similar (both blogs are written by an individual just on their random thoughts of their everyday life, or these 2 blogs deal with cooking, fashion, sports or any other topics that you choose. What you need to make sure is that both are relatively the same kind of blog. But also, that they are, somehow, personal). Explore these blogs so that you can explain what the blog is about, who writes it, how often it is published, etc. For Monday you need to compare both blogs and fill in the three first boxes of this handout -writers, readers, purpose -  Genre analysis_work sheet.doc  Don´t forget to bring it in on Wednesday. You do not have to print it out, but do not forget to email it to your email account or save it on a flash drive.



                 W 6 Feb:  Blogs, Genre and Personal Narratives.



F 8 Feb: Reading Discussion: Vlogs.
             Persepolis: Clips and contextualization.
             Explore cultural/historical/religious context.                 

                                        Homework: Look for a PERSONAL vlog.
                                                                                        Read Karly Grice Journey to the Center of a Vlog.pdf
. Remember to watch the clips too!
                                         As always, be ready to lead discussion (annotate the text as you read so you have things to comment on and/or questions about the reading). 



Week 5:

M  11 Feb: Reading Discussion: Vlogs

Homework:   Look for an example of trajectory and be prepared to explain how and why the genre has evolved.
                       Review and bring your notes on Vlogs - Think about how you can use a Vlog for your personal narrative.
Review the guidelines given for project 1. In your notebooks, write down any questions you may have about this project. We will devote the last 10-15 minutes to your questions  about your own personal narrative and how CHAT theory will help you with this project.

  W  13 Feb: Vlogs and Personal Narrative + Trajectory
                      Q &  A on Project 1

 Homework: Read the excerpt from The Diary of Anne Frank anne_frank.pdf     


    F   15 Feb:
Reading Discussion Anne Frank questions.doc

                  Homework: (For both sections)
   persepolis.pdf + You have been given an aspect to research on in relation to Persepolis. (For those of you who did not come to class, please choose one - 1) author, 2) historical situation 3) political situation, 4) education and art 5) religion). Remember that you are researching this aspect in relation to Marjane Satrapi's personal narrative. So, it will probably be useful to read at least the introduction to Persepolis before starting to do your resarch (but also your research would change your understanding of the text - it is all related). Be ready to share the information you find with your peers during class (so bring in notes). Please let me know if you have any questions about this!

Section 30 - Read Understanding Language and Culture with CHAT.pdf - and go back to your genre analysis that I graded. Think about each category and what you missed  (if you did) on your analysis.

Section 39
- Please complete these questions on the Diary of Anne Frank so we can have our discussion on Monday before talking about Persepolis. Anne Frank questions.doc

Week 6:

  M 18 Feb:   Reading Discussion.

                     By now, you should have  (if you haven't already) decided which genre you will use for your personal narrative. On Friday, you will let me know which genre you decided, and ask me any particular questions you have about your project.

W 20 Feb:
Reading Discussion -Persepolis.
                 Wrap up
How do we write our personal narratives now?
Now you only have 2 writing sections (instead of 3) and there is an outline for your genre anaylsis

F 22 Feb: 
Today you will let me know the genre you chose for your personal narratives and your thoughts about your writing.
Working on your personal narrative -Workshop   

           important information for your projects.doc

Week 7

M 25 Feb:
Optional Day + Check out this opportunity for extra credit!    Writing Research Colloquium.docx

Feb. 25 from 7:00 to 8:30 in STV 133
                                              You need to attend the event from beginning to end and take notes.
                                              You will show me your notes on Wednesday.
                                              It will make up for ONE unexcused absence.

               important information for your projects.doc
W 27 Feb:  Peer Review Genre Analysis + Personal Narrative 

 F  1 March: Project 1 due
                      Trajectory, Cultural appropriation and The Harlem Shake

Week 8: Will be updated according to class progress.

M  4 March: Citation and Plagiarism: Citation Scavenger Hunt.pptx

W 6 MarchClass Canceled. Check your emails!!!

Note on Office hours: Today, I will not be holding office hours from 2 to 3.30, but feel free to email me if you need to set up an appointment.

F 8 March: I am going to a Conference in New York, so Spring Break begins earlier - no class. 

Over the break (or before) you need to read the articles “In Search of SOL: Graffiti and the Formation of a Writing Identity”  by Evan Nave, and “Writing with Tattoo Ink: Composing that Gets Under the Skin,” by Lisa Philips. Both articles are featured in your Grassroot Journal that you purchased in the beginning of the semester (Spring 3.2 edition).

While you read these articles, I want you to annotate them on the margins, writing your comments and reactions to the writer’s words, as well as questions that may arise as you read. While you think about these readings, please keep in mind your experience with genre thus far, especially as you wrote your personal narrative project. Once you are done reading, please write a summary of the article which you will bring in to class on Monday March 18th. These summaries need to be typed and printed. I will be picking them up on Monday.

Please let me know if you have any questions. Even though I will not be at ISU, I am available via email.

Hope you have a great time over the holidays!


Week 9 Spring Break!

Week 10

19 March -
Reading Discussion: “In Search of SOL: Graffiti and the Formation of a Writing Identity”  by Evan Nave, and “Writing with Tattoo Ink: Composing that Gets Under the Skin,” by Lisa Philips. 


20 March -   Researching Selena Quintanilla Perez.doc 


22 March - Researching Selena Quintanilla Perez


Week 11


25 March  - Class canceled because of the snow.


Homework: Watch these two videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k29_H9ZPODU AND https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUT9ayvdYXQ 

                     Finish the questions provided in the handout IN RELATION TO THE MOVIE and Youtube VIDEOS.

                   Researching Selena Quintanilla Perez.doc



27 March  - Selena: Movie and Youtube videos 


Homework: Explore the websites provided in the handout and bring in your responses on Friday.


29 March - Selena on the Web

Homework: Read  A legend grows, and so does an industry.pdf For slain singer's father, memories and questions.pdf and think about the questions you already responded for the movie, YouTube and the websites. ( Our goal is to identify the effect of a genre’s rhetorical context in the portrayal of information. We will discuss how the information we have found so far is presented and re-interpreted in the news).


Week 12


1 April - Selena in the New York Times

                                   Homework: Read Researching or how I fell in love with post it notes.pdf  (Note: section 30 ( meeting at 1) will read this for Monday)



3 April - Introduction to Project 2



5 April - Class is canceled because I will be at a conference. Make sure that you do your homework for Monday!


                                   Bring a WRITTEN list of 2-3 topics you could use for this project. Make sure to do some research so that you choose "feasible" topics. On Monday you will share these topics with me.



               Week 13

                  8 April - Reading Discussion
                                 Your list of topics for your projects is due!                

                                    Homework: Read Osolin_Nicole_Sport_Journalism.pdf 

 If that one does not work try this:   Nicole Osolin Sports Journalists.pdf
Or this link


               10 April -  Reading Discussion


1) By Friday, you should have selected, narrowed down a topic for your project and chosen the magazine or newspaper you will be writing for. (if you have not decided on one yet). Bring ideas of how you plan to address your cultural phenomenon and how you plan to do your research (Some questions you need to consider are:  What sources are you going to look at? What is your point of view? What impact do you want to have on your audience? 

2) From Nicole Osolin's article:  Draw a chart with the processes that take place once Ashley publishes her article. Make a distinction between the print article and the online article (so draw two charts) and think about which categories they reflect.


               12 April - Reading Discussion

Homework: Read "Quilt Label: Piecing Textual Textiles" by Shoshanna Van Tress. (It is on your Grassroots Journal, pages 25 - 32).  You need to prepare  AT LEAST ONE question  to share for class discussion.  

             Week 14 


             15 April - Reading Discussion


             17 April - Exploring the conventions of feature articles Feature Conventions.docx


            19 April  - Work day: Class is canceled today, and you should use this time to work on your project, and maybe attend this extra credit opportunity. 18th Annual Program WGS.pdf


          Week 15

22  April  - Optional Day

     24  April - Peer Review

Citation Samples.doc
    26  April - Projects due. 
                      Introduction to Project 3

  Week 16  


   29 April - Optional Day


   1 April- Presentations Oral Presentation GWRJ Rubric.doc


   3 April - Presentations Oral Presentation GWRJ Rubric.doc


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