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Page history last edited by Ana Roncero Bellido 11 years, 5 months ago

Project 1: "My Story"

In this project, you will need to reflect about an important event or series of events  that are relevant to you and have shaped  your persona. 

Here is a handout where project 1 is explained in more detail: Project 1 My Story UPDATED.doc  + important information for your projects.doc

old version - Project 1 My Story.doc

Project 2: Pop Cult Journalists   

In this project, you are going to write a  feature article for a magazine/newspaper of your choice, showing information on a cultural phenomenon that interests you.


Here is a handout where project 2 is explained in detail:  project 2 updated.doc

Here is a handout where project 3 is explained in more detail: Project 3 Writing For a Cause.doc


Citation Samples.doc

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