
Course Policies

Page history last edited by Ana Roncero Bellido 12 years, 1 month ago


Participation and Attendance

The ISU Writing Program has a standard, program-wide policy for attendance according to which you are allowed three absences without penalty over the course of the semester . Added absences will receive a penalty of 1/3 off the student’s final letter grade for the course.  Ten absences will result in an automatic failing grade for the course.


Please note the allowed absences include illness, travel plans, unexpected car trouble, uncooperative alarm clocks, and plain-old sleeping in, so choose your absences wisely. If your absence is due to a university/academic related activity, be sure to contact me well in advance to make arrangements. If there are any other issues that are preventing you from fully engaging with the class and you think I should know about them, please plan to talk to me asap; only then will we be able to look for possible solutions.

You are responsible for getting handouts/notes you may miss and for submitting—on time—work that’s due on the day you are missing class.  Do not expect a chance to make up quizzes or in-class assignments on days you’re absent, nor to be given the chance to hand in your work on a later date.

Being late to class is not acceptable and can be marked as an unexcused absence.


Present bodies but absent minds will negatively affect grades. Your active participation and involvement in the class is required, so be sure to be ready to participate in class. If you are shy, try to come up with other ways to show active engagement with the contents of this course (you can also get in touch with me about that so we can plan for other "participation strategies").

Cell phones are not allowed. The presence of a cell phone in the classroom will turn into an unexcused absence for the individual using the phone. Furthermore, it can encourage a pop quiz for the entire class.

Please remember, that because your drafts will be peer reviewed by the rest of your classmates, missing class or not meeting due dates will not only affect your grade but also that of your classmates and so, your project grade will be penalized .

Late work

I do not accept late work. However, I understand that unexpected things happen, so I will be willing to grant extensions/ make arrangements with students who make sure to contact me in advance (not the night before or on the due date).

Work is considered late if it is not submitted at the beginning of the class period in which it is due.


I believe that you are all adults and will behave in a respectful manner towards your classmates and teachers. Disrespectful language or behavior will not be tolerated in or outside the class, and will turn into an invitation to leave the ENG 101 class.
Note: Sleeping IN class is considered disrespectful behavior.


STV-250 Student Folders:

All materials for English 101 should be kept in your STV-250 student folder—you retain sole responsibility for keeping electronic copies of all of your work; however, this folder should only be used for English 101 items. In addition, all materials for each project packet should be organized and clearly labeled—by the end of the semester, you should have all projects saved in your folder (in other worlds—don’t delete anything!).  Although some projects will require you to turn in a hard copy, another copy of the project should be saved in this folder.


If you need to arrange an accommodation for a documented disability, contact Disability Concerns at 350 Fell Hall, 309-438-5853 (voice) or 309-438-8620 (TTY).


Julia N. Visor Academic Center

Free outside writing assistance can be found at the Visor center, which offers tutoring in almost all subjects. Call 309-438-7100 to make an appointment or visit http://ucollege.illinoisstate.edu/about/visor/ for more information.



The goal of this class is "learning" rather than "mastering", thus grades in this course are focused on the learning process of accessing and writing in new genre and are determined based on daily work, projects, and participation. Homework will be part of your grade as well as the different planned projects. Pop quizzes won’t happen frequently unless it becomes apparent that students are not doing their readings or do not facilitate in-class discussion; in this circumstance, quiz grades are part of the participation grade of the class day.

Remember that attendance AND participation are extremely important towards the decision of your grade.

The grading scale is as follows:
93-100             A                     consistently exceeds expectations & requirements

83-92               B                      consistently meets expectations & requirements, well

73-82               C                     consistently meets expectations & requirements,

63-72               D                     consistently does not meet expectations & requirements

62- below        F                      does not meet expectations & requirements at all

Academic Honesty

Plagiarism is a serious offense; expect any act of plagiarism to be treated according to the academic policy of ISU.  Please consult ISU’s policy for information about academic honesty (see below).  For more information, please consult the Student Code of Conduct at: http://www.deanofstudents.ilstu.edu/about_us/crr.shtml


Students are expected to be honest in all academic work. A student’s placement of his or her name on any academic exercise shall be regarded as assurance that the work is the result of the student’s own thought, effort, and study. Violations include but are not limited to:


a. possessing or utilizing any means of assistance (books, notes, papers, articles, etc.) in an attempt to succeed at any quiz or examination unless specifically authorized by the instructor.


b. taking any action with intent to deceive the person in charge as to the student’s acting without honesty to complete an assignment, such as falsifying data or sources, providing false information, etc. Students are prohibited from conversation or other communication in examinations except as authorized by the instructor.


c. appropriating without acknowledgement and authorization another’s computer program, or the results of the program (in whole or part) for a computer-related exercise or assignment.


d. plagiarizing. For the purpose of this policy, plagiarism is the unacknowledged appropriation of another’s work, words, or ideas in any themes, outlines, papers, reports, speeches, or other academic work. Students must ascertain from the instructor in each course the appropriate means of documentation.


e. submitting the same paper for more than one University course without the prior approval of the instructors.


f. willfully giving or receiving unauthorized or unacknowledged assistance on any assignment. This may include the reproduction and/or dissemination of test materials. Both parties to such collusion are considered responsible.


g. substituting for another student in any quiz or examination.


h. being involved in the unauthorized collection, distribution advertisement, solicitation, or sale of term papers, research papers, or other academic materials completed by a third party.

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